Before you start

Tasks to complete
Before you commence your studies at SAE you must complete the mandatory Workplace Health and Safety Induction for your campus. The WHS Induction includes evacuation and emergency procedures, your responsibility while on campus in regards to safety, footwear requirements etc. Please find links below:
As a domestic fee-paying student at an approved higher education provider, you may be able to get a FEE-HELP loan from the Australian Government to pay for all or part of your tuition fees. A FEE-HELP loan does not cover costs like accommodation, laptops, or textbooks.
To apply for your FEE-HELP loan, you must complete an electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (or eCAF) before the financial census date of your commencing semester. The eCAF will be emailed to your personal email two weeks prior to Orientation and, to complete this application you must have:
- a Tax File Number (TFN) (or have applied for a Tax File Number) and
- a Unique Student Identifier (USI)
If you are eligible for a FEE-HELP loan, you need to be aware of:
- the HELP loan limit (the maximum amount you can borrow) and;
- the 50% Pass Rate requirement. The 50% Pass Rate requirement means that to remain eligible for your HELP loan, you need to ensure that you pass at least 50% of your total attempted units (modules) across your course of study, otherwise you will have to pay your tuition fees upfront until your pass rate improves.
Before submitting your eCAF you must also read the 2021 HELP booklet. This booklet outlines your obligations under the HELP loan scheme, including the requirement for students commencing a new course of study in 2021 to have a Unique Student Identifier under the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
For more information regarding FEE-HELP please visit:
Once you have completed the above steps, Student Services will email you your login details. You will receive your student email two weeks before orientation and instructions on how to set this up.
Each student enrolled at SAE is provided with a student email account which is the main point of contact for lecturers, facilitators and general staff. It is essential that you check your email daily.
Students can use the student portal Axis for any of the following tasks and more:
- Access financial summaries
- Access invoices and your financial balance
- Access your attendance records
- Check your timetable
- Check your attendance
- Check your results
- Communicate with teachers using the student email
- Access Campus Online (the Learning Management System)
- Update your profile
- Access campus information such as policies, web site, and important dates
- Update your personal details
Note: You will need your student email to set up your student portal. You will receive an email from Student Services with your login details closer to your start date.
Once you have your email address you will be able to self-service and
- Set up your library/e-resource account;
- Set up your LinkedIn learning account.