Supporting your experience at SAE

Discover our services for all students
At any stage of your learning and student life journey with SAE, Student Services Officers (SSOs) are available to support you with advice or information relating to:
- Enrolment or changes to your enrolment
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- Orientation
- Academic Progression
- International student visa and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) enquiries
- Local campus activities
- Student Policies, Procedures and Forms
- Graduation
- Any other enquiry you may have
T: 08 8215 7800
Stephanie Carfoot, Venu Dholakia, Patrick Feagan, Marcus Bishop and Natasha Stasikowska
T: 07 3850 2000
Toni Lunavich and Catherine McDouall
T: 02 6639 6000
Gabrielle Potocnik, Ted Banova, Reshma Pierre Manuel and Paris Lieshout
T: 03 8632 3400
Helda Vankeirsbilck and Sajini Akuratiya
T: 08 6217 4100
Denise Shimess, Rita Madik and Zac Chrysostomou
T: 02 8241 5200
Student Support Advisors (SSAs) support student wellbeing and academic success. SSAs are located at every SAE campus and are a free service for all students.
They can help with:
- flexible arrangements for students with disabilities
- welfare concerns such as accommodation
- learning support and study issues
- assistance for international students
- making complaints or reporting incidents of sexual harassment and assault
- referrals to other staff in SAE and to community support services SSAs can also assist with crisis situations.
To book an appointment directly with the Student Services Advisor on your campus contact:
Student Services Advisor
T: 08 8215 7802
Student Services Advisor Crystal Graham
T: 07 3017 4366
Student Services Advisor
Hayley Kearney & Michael Vaccaro
T: 02 6639 6007
Student Services Advisors Georgie Douglas & Will Centurion
T: 03 8632 3425
Student Services Advisor Craig Carpenter
T: 08 6217 4118
Student Services Advisor Syeda Rahman
T: 02 82415310
Student Counsellors are available to assist students with personal issues or circumstances that might affect wellbeing and study. This is a free, short term and confidential service.
Student Counsellors at SAE are on placement in their final stage of study and are closely and regularly supervised by experienced and qualified SAE counselling staff.
The Counselling Service can assist students with a variety of issues such as grief and loss, trauma and crisis, relationship issues, self-esteem and identity, stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns. All SAE students are welcome to use the Counselling Service.
The National Manager, Counselling and Wellbeing also provides short term counselling to students by arrangement. To book a confidential appointment please email the counsellors on your campus.
Australia wide crisis and support 24/7
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- Domestic Violence crisis line – 1800 656 463
- Diverse Voices – 1800 184 527
- Sexual assault 1800RESPECT
For immediate crisis intervention when life may be in danger, call 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.
For more information contact Sarah Forman, National Manager, Counselling and Wellbeing
SAE is committed to providing support for students with a disability, injury, mental health or medical condition. Register for support and meet with one of our Student Services Advisors to discuss your options. We require early notification in order to best assist you with adjustments to your studies. You can help us with designing support for you by providing any professional advice from accredited practitioners, e.g. doctors or other medical professionals, during the application or enrolment process.
Find out more about SAE’s disability support.
Our Technical Department team members are on hand to assist you with the use of specialist facilities and equipment
IT staff provide email, web and network support. A 24/7 service desk is available to all SAE students to provide support both on and off campus. Students may access this service either directly on campus via Student Services or via the 24/7 email address:
Mental Health:
- Suicidal thoughts
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger
- Mental Illness
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
Physical Health:
- Sexual Assault
- Deliberate self harm
- Eating Disorders
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Insomnia
13 11 14 (24 hour)
Provides access to suicide prevention, crisis support as well as mental health support services.
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Free counselling services. 24 hours, 7 days a week.
A national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.
Kids Helpline (up to 25 years)
1800 551 800
A 24 hour counselling service for young people, offered by phone, email or over the web.
Alcohol and Drug Information Service
Provides information about Alcohol and Drug Information Services in each State and Territory.
Smart Recovery (Self-empowering addiction recovery support group)
Face-to-face and online groups for people wanting to overcome their addictive behaviours.
Gambling Help
1800 858 858
Phone, online and face to face counselling to help people understand and overcome problem gambling and support them through the process.
Sexual Assault
1800 424 017
A 24 hour telephone and online counselling for people whose life has been affected by sexual violence. Similar services are available in your State or Territory.
Mensline Australia
1300 78 99 78
Provides telephone support, information and referral service to men experiencing relationship difficulties.
Gay and Lesbian Counselling and Community Services of Australia
Provides information and links to the primary gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons telephone counselling service organisations across Australia.
ACON Community Health and Action
1800 063 060
Australia’s largest community-based gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender health and HIV/AIDS organisation promoting health and well being. Similar services are available in your State or Territory.
Relationships Australia
1300 364 277
Provides counselling support services to individuals, couples and families, victims of crime and LGBTI community.
National Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Counselling Line 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Counselling, information, advice and referral to local services. Available 24 hours a day for people who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
Provides information about anxiety and depression.
Black Dog Institute
A research and educational facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.
SANE Australia
1800 18 7263
Provides information and support for people affected by mental illness, their family and friends.
Reach Out
Web-based service offering information, support and skill development to improve mental health and well being.
The Butterfly Foundation
1800 33 4673
Provides support for people suffering from eating disorders and negative body image.
This is a free web-delivered service from Australian National University for people experiencing depression and anxiety. Students can really benefit from participating in these modules.
The National Association for Loss and Grief
(02) 9489 6644 (call costs will apply)
Information on services available as well as telephone counselling for people experiencing grief.
Service for Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors
Information, resources and support for refugees. Similar services are available in your State or Territory.
Other support services
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- NSW Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies.
- GLLOs – LGBTIQ Liaison Officers
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- Queensland Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- LGBTI Liaison Officers: QPS LGBTI Liaison Program
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- South Australia Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police.
- Victoria Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Liaison Officers (GLLOs)
If you are feeling unsafe right now, call 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and would like to make a complaint or report to the police:
- Western Australia Police
- 000 for emergencies
- Policelink 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 for non-emergencies.
- People of Diverse Sexuality and/or Gender
QLD Legal Services
Women’s Legal Service
The Women’s Legal Service is run by women for women. Assistance is provided by lawyers and social workers during the day and several evenings each week.
Telephone: 1800 957 957
Legal Aid Qld
Give legal help to financially disadvantaged people.
Telephone: 1300 65 11 88
NSW Legal Services
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW provides legal services to disadvantaged clients across NSW.
Telephone: 1300 888 529
Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact Line
Free legal advice
Telephone: 1800 639 784
Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre
Free, confidential legal information, advice and casework to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, youth and children over the phone or face-to-face,
Telephone: 1800 686 587
Women’s Legal Services NSW
Telephone: 1800 801 501
Victoria Legal Services
Women’s Legal Service Victoria
Telephone: 03 8622 0600 (Metro) OR 1800 133 302
Victoria Legal Aid
Provides free information about the law and how Legal Aid can help with a legal problem.
Telephone: 1300 792 387
SA Legal Services
Legal Services Commission provides legal services to disadvantaged clients across SA.
Telephone: 1300 366 424
Women’s Legal Service
Free and confidential legal advice, assistance, referrals and representation for women in South Australia
Telephone: 08 8221 5553 or 1800 816 349
TTY: 1800 670 864
WA Legal Services
Legal Aid WA
Provides free legal information and services
Telephone: 1300 650 579
Women’s Legal Services WA
Telephone: 08 9272 8800
The National Health Services Directory is a free service that helps you locate the nearest health services, including community, hospital, emergency and counselling services in any part of Australia.
The Australian Government website has a list of organisations, websites and services that offer support, counselling, research and information about mental health and suicide prevention.
Australia wide crisis and support 24/7
- 13 11 14
- Web Chat (7pm to midnight AEST)
- Text | 0477 13 11 14 (12pm to midnight AEST)
- 1300 22 4636
- Web Chat
- 1800 55 180
- 1300 659 467
Domestic Violence crisis line
- 1800 656 463
Diverse Voices
- 1800 184 527
Sexual assault
MensLine Australia
- 1300 78 99 78
QLife (counselling and referral service for LGBTI people)
- 1800 184 527 or chat online
The National Health Services Directory is a free service that helps you locate the nearest health services, including community, hospital, emergency and counseling services in any part of Australia.
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has an extensive list of national and state human rights, community and advocacy organisations and peak bodies that provide advocacy resources and services.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia provides links to national and state organisations supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities.
There are services to help you with food, housing and bills
- Centrelink
- National Debt Helpline | 1800 007 007 Monday – Friday 09:30am – 4:30pm
- For a full list of emergency relief services, see the Department of Social Service Grant Services Directory.
Information on housing and accommodation assistance:
- New South Wales – Housing NSW – 1800 422 322
- Queensland – Department of Housing and Public Works – 13 74 68
- South Australia –SA Housing Authority – 131 299
- Victoria – Housing Victoria – 1300 650 172
- Western Australia – Department of Housing – (08) 9222 4666
International student welfare support for information on student welfare support, including state programs