Student Representation

Student Council
The Student Council provides students with an avenue for communication with campus management, a forum for engagement and constructive feedback and an opportunity for creating and maintaining a vibrant student life on campus. The Student Council is supported by Student Services and campus management.
The Student Council is made up of students from each course who are elected by their peers. Student Council meetings are held at least twice per trimester, between weeks 3 and 10.
Information about Student Council elections, membership and activities is emailed directly to all students at the start of the trimester and is widely promoted on campus during Orientation and other key times.
Campus management and Student Services on each campus can provide additional information.

Student-Staff Consultative Committees
Each campus has a Student-Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) as a forum for students to be heard, considered and answered. The SSCC provides direct and independent advice about the student experience, feedback on learning and teaching and the implementation of academic policies.
Students can attend SSCC meetings and directly share feedback and advice with campus leadership and the Academic Board.
A senior academic such as an Academic Coordinator chairs the SSCC and ensures that matters are followed up and reported to the Academic Board.
All students are invited to attend SSCC meetings via email.
These meetings usually occur in week 8 of the trimester.
Student MEMBERS OF the Academic Board
Student members of the Academic Board contribute a student perspective to important institutional decision-making processes.
Students are invited to apply to become full voting members of the SAE Academic Board based on their academic results and participation at SAE.
The Academic Board approves updates to the curriculum and oversees the quality of learning and teaching at SAE.
Student members provide reports to Staff Student Consultative Committees and seek advice from students on matters related to the Academic Board.
Students selected for this role remain a voting member of the Board for two years, pending ongoing commitment to excellence in their studies and ongoing participation in meeting the requirements of the role.
Current student members to the Academic Board are Josephine Cubis from Byron Bay and Sean Casey from Sydney. Student members apply when vacant positions are advertised and are selected by a student panel.